Thursday, June 12, 2008

Aaaaaahhhhh, The SLO Life...

Without a camera my blog has gotten pretty text heavy....I suppose writing marathon posts like my last one doesn't help it much either. :)

So I figured I'd give you all a break from my hot air and link you to someone else's long winded post! Not really.. this isn't ranting or anything, this is just the coolest post about one of my former "home towns" - San Luis Obispo, CA . (Lots of very cool photos, too!)

I have many home towns: Emmett, Idaho; Grants Pass, OR; Ventura, CA; for the main ones. But SLO is the last place I really lived in the states before coming to Ukraine and has a special place in my heart.

I always tell people here in Ukraine that I miss a lot of people and things about America but SLO is one place where I actually really miss the town, as well as friends, etc. Such a cool town. Sigh... Check it out.


Danny and Liese said...

ahh, SLO is great. You've got an extra "http//" in that link so the link doesn't work as it should. Thought you'd like to know.


Greg and Edna Silva said...

Hey Cara - I think the link is broken. This worked for me:

I think we may be a bit biased since SLO is our home town, but we agree that it is the best place to live (besides Ukraine). I grew up there. All the guys in our family were born there. Sigh. It's a rare gem for sure. :)


P.S. - Come see us out here in BT. It's beautiful in Oleksandria Park right now.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't get the link to work either...

Cara Denney said...

Danny: Thanks.

Edna: I seriously would like to come visit you guys. Going to Hungary for the conference so when I get back I will let you know. Thanks, also, for the heads up on the bad link. As for SLO, I used to live right downtown, too, sigh...

Cara Denney said...

oops! Marianna you were commenting the same time I was! Just so you don't think I totally ignored you! :) You know I always want you in the loop..."Mezhdu Nami"...hint hint. :)

Josh Termeer said...

It's not a bias, it's an objective fact that SLO is paradise...

Josh Termeer said...

SLO is paradise. That is an un-biased completly objective fact.

Anonymous said...

Folks in our neck of the woods used to call southern Delaware "SLOwer Delaware." (rather than LOwer Delaware.) But it wasn't a positive expression...

Random, I know.