Monday, August 31, 2009

Kyrgyzstan Independence Day

August 31 is Independence Day for Kyrgyzstan.

18 years of Independence - Congratulations, Kyrgyzstan!

It was easy to comfortable being the "tourist" and taking photos today, since everyone was doing the same!

It's funny to me to see what a holiday day out in the city with the family looks like here, as compared to other countries. There were boxes of bannanas everywhere (and my personal favorite bannana/cotton candy/pinwheel cart that is in the far background of this photo and has been in another blog of mine from last year). Can you just hear it? "Ah, why not? It's a holiday! Let's buy a banana!"

I so love the children here. They are amazing. I suppose children everywhere are, but these have stolen my heart. These two girls were cutting loose to someone's karaoke performance,

while this other little princess was waiting her turn to take her picture in front of the Independence Day displays.

Next blog will be our church conference that we had in Issyk Kyul this past weekend. It was awesome!


Greg and Edna Silva said...

Well Happy Independence Day then. Did they celebrate like Ukraine? Hopefully we'll see you soon.


sparrowandseed said...

That looked like fun. I too, thought those little girls were adorable. I love to hear about what other countries do for fun.